I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
Now... putting it as a priority is not going to be easy for most of the people. And the reason for it is that once you have been doing something for many years and decades then it is very difficult to break the habit as you have got used to it and you see it as something normal or at least of little importance to change it as you see that you "can live with it". The usual excuse is that you have many things to do and doing some exercises to lower and stop unnecessary muscle tension is being regarded as waste of time. This is the thing with the express train ( I make regularly reference to it in my articles ) running at full speed and it is very difficult to stop it in an instant.
As I said it, the tension is there but yet we do not see it and we do not realise that our muscles are contracted all the time. I know that it may not seem as a big deal but then I tell you that this has enormous consequences for the whole world. Look... I will not exaggerate if I say that most of the people in this world live under constant interior stress - and so humanity as a whole lives under constant interior stress. But it is not that the exterior world causes this stress within us. It is us who create this stress within ourselves. And the exterior world is just the reflection of what is happening within us. We are the creators of this world and its whole system. But because we do not know anything else but stress within ourselves, so we create stress out there. We are not aware of it ( just like we are not aware that we continuously contract muscles within our body ) and so we create without being aware that we are gods ( the creators ). And so we put blame on the current system that it creates stress within us but the reality is that we have created it in the first place.
And so if you would like to change the whole world then start to change yourself first. Introspect your body and your mind, become aware of your tensions and learn to release them whenever not necessary. And once you know how to relax then you will automatically start to create world system which is not stressful but more at ease. Believe me... there is no need for bloody demonstrations and revolutions to change this world. Once you change yourself on the interior then all the exterior changes will happen easy and almost effortlessly. This is all common sense and logic.
To be continued