I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
Now... I have a relatively low stress level in my life. I know that my weak point is work with the computer as I tend to tense other muscles apart from the hand which hold the computer mouse. But then I know that there are many people who have more much more stress than I do and in these people must have many muscles in their body which are constantly contracted and they use up a lot of energy to maintain this tension.
But this is not just about the muscles and the energy to keep them contracted. This affects the whole body as certain organs must work on the high revs to get the energy for the muscles. Obviously there is a certain limit past which we cross then something would give up and then we would get sick. And this is not just about getting some "light" sickness. I am talking here about serious stuff like hypertension and heart problems, Alzheimer, Parkinson's disease etc. This is all common sense and logic. Once the car engine works on the high revolutions then it uses up more fuel. And so it with the body... stress and continuous tension within the muscles uses up the resources of the body and then it is normal that we get sick. And it is just that we ( including the doctors and the scientists ) underestimate the importance of this factor on our health.
I know that it has been already said a lot about the stress related health problems but I do not remember any doctor mentioning about the hidden tensions within the body, to pay attention to it and how to practically deal with them.
Anyway as I said before this is a common sense and logic. It is not very difficult to think about the practical solution on how to deal with this problem. The only difficulty with it is that you must become aware of these tensions and then put it as top priority on you list and make the appropriate changes within your life.
To be continued