I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
And so I noticed that some parts of my body are tense even though I do not need them for the task that I am doing ( e.g. playing game and holding computer mouse with my right hand ). My whole body ( apart form the right arm and maybe couple of other muscles should be rather relaxed but instead they are ender constant stress. And this means one thing... these tensed body parts require energy to maintain the contraction and these energy must be extracted from the body.
You'll know... once I have noticed and realised that I have these tendency to tense the muscles when I am focused on doing some tasks, I started to "investigate" it further. And so I have noticed that I also keep unnecessary contraction of muscles around my mouth and I would say that this contributes to the fact that my teeth start to come out of line as there is not enough space. The constant contraction forces them out of the line.
And the same applies to my eyes especially when I am outside in the sun and I tense excessively my muscles around the eyes. I have tested it today and I see that it is possible to close slightly my eye lids to protect the eyes from the brightness of the sun without engaging unnecessarily all the face muscles around my eyes.
Then I have also noticed that I am tensing excessively and unnecessarily my head or my brain ( or both ) when I concentrate on doing something.
And so I have realised that to maintain this excessive tension of my muscles I require energy which is surely being extracted from my body. And then I would guess that this contributes to the fact that we ( humans ) get tired easier and we require to sleep 8 hours or more every night.
Now I need to go to sleep as I have been working all day and I am very tired. I will revise my article tomorrow and add something if necessary.
To be continued