Catching up with posting online my articles...
This is the continuation of the previous article:
But this is how our reality and most of our problems manifest themselves. Firstly we do something stupid and later instead of correcting it we do another stupid thing hoping stupidly that this stupid thing will fix the consequences of the first stupid thing and later we do another stupid thing and in the end we become overwhelmed by the mountain of problems and its consequences. And this pattern of accumulating problems and consequences doesn't apply only to the hair but literally to almost everything because we are the ones who do stupid things one after another.
But let's get back to the hair and the shampoo...
Although stopping using the shampoo right in this moment would be technically speaking easy but practically this would be rather difficult for most of the people - especially women with long hair. And here is why:
Once we stop using the shampoo the body will go through a certain period of adjusting to a new situation and it will take some time before the body will start to produce the oils to moisturize the hair naturally. And in the meantime the hair will be either very oily or very dry and it will not look the same ( shiny, clean and "beautiful" ) as we and our colleagues and friends are used to see it.
And here comes the challenge because this is not only about stopping using the shampoo but this is also about challenging and standing up to the society and the whole system ( matrix ) which expects you to look according to certain standards and follow the rules. And the moment you say "no" to the system then you become its enemy and it will turn against you.
And this because at the moment the majority continues to do stupid things believing that this is the normality and the stability and they don't want you to change because your change endangers the existence of the whole system. The moment you change, the whole system changes with you and the moment the whole system starts to change then everybody is kind of being forced to do the change which they don't want to do because they are lazy and afraid to do it.
Anyway one thing is for sure... once you go through the whole process of stopping using the shampoo and standing up to the rules of the society and the whole system you will stop creating the problems and you will get healthier. In reality there no even point on talking much about this whole mountain of problems and how to solve each individual problem because this is what our doctors and scientists have been trying to do for some time and we are not even one step closer towards solving our problems. The best strategy is always go back to the basic and common sense and once you do it you will see how everything will change and align itself automatically ( almost by itself ) - unless we reach a critical point of irreversible changes ( e.g. advanced cancer ).