Catching up with posting online my articles...
If you have short hair then you will probably not be interested reading this article because here are will be discussing the problems which are related to taking care of long hair. Anyway this is cool stuff and maybe you will be able to tell your friends about it and probably many of them will be grateful to you.
Thus let's start...
I am sure that you can easily recall the image of woman with a beautiful, long, shiny hair which you have seen on the TV commercial and in the magazines trying to convey to you that if you use this particular shampoo then your hair will be exactly the same. And thus if you can recall this image so easy in your mind then it means that the publicity has been effective and then you will be inclined to actually buy this shampoo because you want to have the same beautiful, clean and shiny hair. And what is even more interesting is that you will buy this shampoo and you will be blind to the facts of the reality.
And what are the facts ?
Almost every woman with long hair buys the shampoos and mascaras and other beauty products which are supposed to help to make their hair beautiful like in the advertising. But how many women do you actually see on the street with a hair like this ???
I bet that you rarely ( if ever ) ask yourself this question !!!... because as I said before you have been blinded and hypnotized with an image which has been inserted into you mind while watching repeatedly the same advertising and you just take it for granted without looking at the facts of the reality. And another fact of the reality is that the models form the magazine and the hair must go through a special program in which the hair is being treated with various products, supplements etc. and if you don't do the same ( which is not easy and expensive ) you will never be able to have the same results from just using the shampoo.