Catching up with posting online my articles...
This is the continuation of the previous article:
This story with washing the hair without the shampoo has also another important point...
The human body - although it is not completely perfect - still it has amazing capacity to control and synchronize multitude of processes within the body so that it can function efficiently within this reality. Unfortunately people forget about it and ignore it which later makes their life much more complicated and difficult.
Thus let's have a closer look at the underlying pattern within the story of washing the hair with the shampoo.
Washing the hair with shampoo washes off completely the oils which are necessary to keep the hair moisturized and thus after some time of using the shampoo the hair becomes dry and damaged more than normal. Thus somebody comes with the idea to use another product which would deal with the dryness ( hair moisturizer ). You are very impressed with this new product because finally your hair looks good again. But unfortunately you forget here about one thing... our body has an intelligent compensation mechanism and thus once we use the shampoo to wash off the oils and later use moisturizer from the bottle thus the body will stop eventually producing its own oils and in this way you will become completely dependent on the products that you use to wash your hair. And because most of the products which people use are chosen wrongly thus the quality of their hair will get worse and worse. But you have already become lost and completely blinded by the commercials on the TV and you don't question the efficiency of the shampoo. And instead you will look for another product which lures your eyes with beautiful pictures of the models. In the beginning you see the difference in your hair after using this new product but the story repeats itself and after some time you notice that this new shampoo doesn't give you the same results as in the beginning and your hair is damaged again.
Do you think that this is the end of story and the end of the chain reaction of consequences which you will have pay for?
Oh no... we are far away from the end of the story... as a matter of fact I doubt that I would be able to present the whole list with all the problems cause just from using the shampoo ( especially the shampoo which is wrongly selected ). But I will try to mention some of the main problems related to the use of shampoo.
In the case of some people the body will stop producing the oils and some persons will have the dandruff. For other people the compensation mechanism will show itself that the body will increase dramatically production of the oils in the skin to cope with the dryness and then the person will have very oily hair. Of course this person will try to find a special shampoo for oily hair but because we are only treating the symptoms thus after the initial improvement the condition of the hair will get worse again.
Some people out of this group will ask for help the doctor because the products which they are using are not working. The doctor will probably prescribe you some vitamins and other supplements but again this is only treating the symptoms and treating the symptoms unfortunately creates a lot of secondary problems which will show themselves sooner or later. And these secondary problems will come not only from the shampoo but also from using the vitamins and supplements. Many people don't realise it but the vitamins sold in the pharmacy can be also very toxic and harmful to the body. In most cases you won't see it easy and quickly but from the experience as a therapist I know that this is the case and people develop serious disorders within the body as a result of using the beauty product and l supplement and vitamins, which are being taken inappropriately.
Opps... it looks like we are getting lost a little bit within the story with the hair because we have started with the shampoo and now I talk about serious disorders within the body.