I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
And that simply means that some people would simply not be very pleased with the Feng shui because it would interfere with their own inner personality order. Many other people would see their house as complete mess but on the contrary the owner would see nothing wrong with it. And this is because the owner created it as himself ( or as his personality ) and he became one with it. And through becoming one with it then he does not see anything wrong with it. Or even if he does see it, he becomes entrapped in his creation and he falls into the trap of a belief that he cannot change it or he finds some other excuses to postpone it for later. But this later never happens and so he gets stuck more and more in it. Anyway I have decided to do the experiment and I have given permission to my friend to do whatever she finds appropriate to do the changes in my house. Today it is 4th day since we started to do the "revolution" in my house. Not everything is finished yet but far I am very pleased with the change. Although my apartment looked really nice before and even my "Feng shui friend" said that herself, now the rooms look much more beautiful and we both feel much better being in here. I will still have to wait few more days before we finish the "Feng shui revolution" in my apartment as I have ordered some furniture pieces and they will come only next week. And then I will write my final review about my personal experience with Feng shui.
To be continued