I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
Now... according to the stories of many people they can see and feel drastic changes in many aspects of their life relatively quickly after doing the Feng Shui in their houses, offices etc. But of course that will not be the case for everybody. Why not ? Well... there are many, many elements that contribute to the well-being of a human being but the most important element within it all is the human being himself. Look... without any doubt most of us would prefer to live in a house which is clean, nicely designed, decorated and organized. And this will influence in most of the cases how each person will feel himself in this house. But then it is also very possible that somebody is at peace within himself living in the rubbish dump. And then we must also take into consideration that how the house looks is a reflection of how somebody is within himself. So we could say that the interior design of the house is the reflection of the interior design of a personality of a person. In the end it is this person who has decided to live in this house and decorate it the way it is now. Thus changing the decoration and placement of the furniture through Feng shui in the house would in a way disturb the personality of a person who designed this house in the first place.
To be continued