I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
Thus interesting thing which is recently happening with my teeth is that in the last month 3 of my tooth fillings have fallen out. And 2 of them have fallen out in the last week.
Now... at first I thought WTF and I got a little bit scared. But then I got myself stabilized and I realized that everything is OK.
How can this be ok ?
Well... look... in my practice and in my life follow and live practically the concept and the principle that our body is not some piece of bones and meet but it is expression of life and it has its own intelligence. And that means that it wants to live and it has the capacity to heal and regenerate itself.
And thus based on this concept I have realized that these fillings have fallen out is not accidental. Recently I have decided and I have started to focus my attention and work with my weak point in my body ( teeth ). And by simply making this decision and then following it with actions ( cleaning my teeth with coconut oil and relaxing my jaws ) I give my body the sign that it can do its part of healing.
I hope that you understand what I want to say here. But if not I will try to say it different way.
And thus I understand that all these fillings that I have in my teeth put a lot of stress on my body and take a lot of energy to neutralize them so that they don't overwhelm completely my body. But because I was busy with many other things and I my teeth were disregarded thus my body was holding on to these fillings as much as possible although it was a struggle. I could also say that keeping and holding on to these tooth fillings was "lesser evil" than letting them fall. But now I am determined, focused and I give top priority to my teeth. And thus my body seeing it can start to do the self-healing and it does not have to hold on to the lesser evil. Thus I realize that my body is expulsing these fillings because it knows that this is the best moment to do so as I will work together with it towards the healing.
What is interesting within this is that although I have lost about 1/4th of my tooth it is not painful. And thus I have decided to not go immediately to the dentist and put another feeling but instead I would investigate and work out any hidden emotions and problems with it. Thus so far with the help of the friend we have detected that I need to look at the point of sadness and anger.
To be continued