I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
So I started to look up and investigate the point of why my teeth are weak. And one of the interesting points that are showing up is that my teeth are under stress.
How is possible to have stress in the teeth ?
Well... I have to say that this concept is somehow new to me but this is clearly the case with me.
So how have I come to the conclusion that I have stress in my teeth ?
Well... because my teeth started to deteriorate at accelerate rate lately I decided to investigate the point of possibility to heal my teeth with natural home methods. And so this decision made me to focus my attention on my teeth and I started to ask simple logical questions. And one of them was: "why my teeth start to come out of line ?". And so I realized that my muscles around my teeth and jaws are most of the time tense and they squeeze my jaws and this pressure pushes my teeth out of the line.
You'll know... this is the same concept as the metal braces which the dentists put on the teeth to make them "straight". And thus it is not necessary to use a lot of pressure but as long as it is constant over longer period of time then it will open the jaws and straighten the teeth ( or vice versa just like in my case ).
So once I've become aware that my teeth are under stress I started to focus my attention on my jaws and I let the muscles get relaxed.
To be continued