![Growing new teeth](img7yrs/img_day1034.jpg)
I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
How will this help to heal my teeth ?
Well... I am not saying that relaxing my jaws and the muscles around it will heal completely my teeth but I know for sure that this is one of the causes ( layers ) of my problem with weak teeth.
You'll see... I have realized already some time ago that sickness usually does not come from one virus, bacteria or any other singular element. Usually there are many layers which altogether manifest themselves as a certain disease or disorder. And so it is with my teeth. This thing with continuous tension of my jaws and teeth is contributing to the problem and learning how to maintain the relaxation throughout the day when I do not use my jaws ( during eating and talking ), is going certainly improve the condition of my teeth.
When I do my exercises to relax my jaws I feel immediately that something is changing within my teeth. This is not some kind of fairy tale or self belief. It is actual fact. Look... this is like the tension in the shoulders and the upper back when you work all day under stress. When somebody gives you massage ( even just for 1 minute ) on your neck and shoulders, you immediately feel the difference in your muscles and in your whole body. One of the reasons for it is that tension in the muscles blocks the circulation of the fluids and electromagnetic current within your body or certain parts and massage or self relaxation is "opening" immediately the muscles and the flow of blood, lymph, electromagnetic current etc. You do not need any scientist to prove it. It is all common sense and logic.
And so... although my teeth are still weak and I do not know what is the cause of it, I know that I am doing first step. And I also know that once I make the first step ( and I learn how to relax my jaws and teeth ) I will able to see better what is around the corner and then I will know my next step.
To be continued