This is the continuation of the previous article:
Thus you are starting to look at life differently. You start to appreciate all these things that have always been around you but you did not have time to look at them because you were occupied and busy with your busi-ness and counting the money that you are making. And even if you have looked at them they were meaning nothing to you because you could not make money out of them. But now the things have changed and all of these insignificant things out of which you could not make money before, bring smile on your face and give you happiness which you could never felt before when you were healthy and you could buy in the shops almost anything that you wanted.
Now you have to go again to the hospital for the results of the tests after the last chemotherapy. You enter the room of the doctor and you see that he is not really smiling at all and as a matter of fact he looks very serious. You start to worry that the results are bad for you and indeed the doctor confirms it. He says that he could try one more time with the chemotherapy and with another treatment which is very effective but it is fairly new on the market and thus it is extremely expensive. Although you are very sad and depressed hearing the news about the results that the cancer is back but at the same time you are also hopeful hearing your doctor saying about this new and very effective treatment. And you would like to try it. It feels like being in the completely dark tunnel for long time and not knowing if there is any exit at all out of there. But then suddenly you see the spark of light in the far distance and you start to run although you are extremely exhausted because this gave you magically strength and you want to get there as soon as possible.
But here you have a problem because your insurance company will not pay anymore for your treatments ( you have already reached the limit ) and you have spent almost all your money on your last treatment and for your prolonged stay in the hospital when you were in the critical condition. You say to yourself: "ok... I have not money but I will try to borrow it from the bank or my friends...". And you go home and you make the phone calls trying to borrow the money. But unfortunately this is not so easy as you thought. Your friends either don't have so much money or they don't want to do it and give you stupid excuses leaving you literally on the street without help. I am sure that you have heard about this type of situations in real life. And the banks will not give it to you either because you have no job and you have nothing to secure the loan. And then you start to see how the light in the tunnel starts to fade away and you become engulfed in the complete darkness again.
You cannot believe that none of your friends want to help you. You have helped them on many occasions by borrowing them large sum of money when they needed it and now nobody is there for you although they are wealthy and they could do it easily. You know it because you know their financial situation very well. Although you understand the explanation which the banks give you but at the same time you start to ask yourself a question: "is my life and my health not more important than a piece of paper on which somebody has printed some numbers ?".
Boom... here lights up the bulb... but not in the tunnel... it lights up inside of your head. You realise that throughout your whole life you have given values to illusions and insignificant things instead of being real and value that which is real. You have allowed yourself to be brainwashed and trust the system which has falsely promised you that it will take care of you. And it did but only as long as it could benefit from you. It has given you relatively a lot if we compare it with billions of other people in this world but at the same time you realise that you have been used by this system to make huge profit. It has used you and the moment it could not use you anymore it has dumped you like a rubbish into the bin and don't give shit about you anymore and what will happen with you.
To be continued...