Unfortunately big majority of us we has been brainwashed effectively into believing and trusting unconditionally in the current system. Of course the better you are taken care off by the current system ( meaning that the more money you have ) the more difficult will be for you to take my words seriously.
But it is not my intention whatsoever to insist and force you to believe me and take my words for real because this would be very little effective and most probably the more I would insist the more you would actually turn as my enemy and/or you would do something to put me into the psychiatric hospital with all the crazy people.
But I know one thing for sure that if you have just stopped for some time with your confidence and unconditional trust in the current system and investigated all the facts and connected all the dots then you would have a big chance of not going through the point of learning it the hard way... and I mean really hard way... because then you would have a chance to prepare yourself and prevent it somehow as much as possible.
I will not be convincing you into taking my words for granted ( as I said above ) but I will give you just one simple example, which I can see quite often at my work. Thus let's start:
Let's say that you have good job, family and you are well established financially. But at some point something starts going on not right with your body ( you start having some symptoms of tiredness, pain, you are not well as you used to be etc. ). At the beginning you would rather ignore it but because the symptoms start to get stronger you decide to go to the doctor. The doctor makes the examination and gives you some medicine. Because he is not really certain what is going on with you then he will give you some antibiotics just in case. I am not making this up. This is the standard procedure which must/should be followed by the doctors - if they are not sure about what is going on they will should/must you antibiotics.
Of course you trust unconditionally the system which is being represented here by the doctors ( they are part of the system ) and you will take the medicine. After couple of weeks you have realised that the medicine has given you only temporary relief and the symptoms started to get worse than before. It is not only that your sickness ( of which you don't know yet ) has advanced but also the medicine from the doctor has caused a lot of side effects within your body. You somehow knew about it because people talk about it all the time but because you have been brainwashed effectively by the system - as I said before - believing that you are special and that this system will take care of you, then you have ignored it believing that this will not happen to you ( side effects ). And this belief has been also enforced and accepted much easier because you have gone to one of the best doctors in town.
To be continued...