This is the continuation of the previous article:
Few months later you have an appointment with your doctor to do a standard medical check-up on the state of your body. Unfortunately the results show that the cancer is back. As a matter of fact this happens quite often with the cancer patients and you have suspected it as well before the visit by your doctor because you did not feel well in the last couple of weeks. You feel disappointed because you know what is waiting for you - the hell of the chemotherapy. Your body is still weak from the previous treatments and now you have to do another one.
You are very disappointed with the whole situation but you have no choice. At least this is what you think because that is what you have been taught and told by the system - tv, doctors, family, friends etc. Thus you decide to go with the treatment. But there is a little problem because you have already reached the allowed level of coverage from your health insurance and thus to continue with the treatment you will have to pay some of it with your own money. Of course we all know that the chemotherapy is very expensive and thus although this is just a small part which you have to pay for is still quite substantial sum of money. But as we said in the beginning of the part 1, you have a good job and you are quite well positioned financially within the system and thus "luckily" for you have enough money in your bank account to pay for it. And thus you go through the 3rd treatment. But this time the things get complicated. As I have said before your body is very weak and exhausted from the previous treatments and this time your body cannot cope anymore with the load of medications as good as it did last time and you end up in the critical state in the intensive care unit for few weeks.
But you must remember that you have already reached your allowance from your insurance company and you have to pay for it with your own money. Or rather your wife does it because you are unconscious for some time.
Finally after many weeks in hospital the doctors let you go home. They say that you have wait for some time and then they will do the tests if the treatment was successful. Although you are very sick and weak you are very happy that you can leave hospital and be at home with your family. In the end you feel lucky that you are still alive. Maybe it is not as you have imagined it in the very beginning when you have started the first treatment but you are alive. And you were told that you were almost dead. This whole experience with the last chemotherapy which was so difficult has made you to think and look at life a little bit differently. You start to appreciate that you can be with your family, that you can see the sun and the flowers, that you can breathe, that you can walk although you have difficulties to do it and you have use the wheelchair if you want to go outside for longer period of time. But at least you are alive and you start to appreciate it like never before. You are amazed that such a small and seemingly insignificant things like the smell of the flowers, the wind playing with the leaves on the trees etc. give you so much joy. They don't cost any money and they bring smile on your face and they give you joy. You start to look at life differently and you wish with all your heart to be fit and healthy like before so that you could do more of these wonderful things like spending more time with your family, be in the nature etc.
The things are really tough. Your body is having difficulties with all the medicine that has been put into your system and you feel very sick but you fight. You want to live for real - not like before.
To be continued...