And the story with the ego continues. Today it was announced to me that one of the persons decided to give up as it is too hard and too much for this person to continue with the process. I am not impressed with this decision but I cannot do much about it anymore and I have to let this person to take this step. Within this it was really interesting to observe myself and the other person talking about it without anger or any other emotion. It was just a conversation and during this conversation we decided on something which we see as the best option within this whole situation.
I also had another conversation with another person. We wee facing some similar points but at least this person has not decided to give up. He admitted that it is difficult and he feels hurt but still he wants to continue with walking the process. I do not know yet the final decision but for now there is still hope. But we'll be able to see it later.
Despite this shocking shake up of the ego we have managed to organize the meeting with other people and take some constructive decisions in terms of the whole project. And I am really pleased that we were able to do something like this.
Now it is late and I am tired. These conversations were somehow intensive and now I need rest.
To be continued...