This is the continuation of the previous article:
Yesterday it was very late and I was very tired and I think that I did not save my document on my computer because today I cannot find it. This is the thing that I was a little bit concerned when it comes to write my articles on this laptop. Now I am aware of it because I try to continue my article from yesterday and I cannot find. But I am not sure if I did not lose more of my articles. I will only find about it when I start publishing them.
Anyway now it is late so I will try tomorrow to rewrite my article from yesterday. I did my job with writing it and it is just that I did not save it correctly.
I continue with my sickness ( cold ) and as a matter of fact it got worse. I do not have fever but my nose is stuck with the mucous. I was busy all day with doing things on the computer and other things ( though I did not work with clients ) and I did not take time to do something about my cold. I only tried to do something in the evening. But you'll know... I have been investigating this topic of stopping the development of the sickness for about 2-3 years now and I have discovered couple of things which helped me in the past. But now I do not apply them. Well... I did something in the evening as I said but this is not enough. I should have done more. Anyway I will try to do something more now before I go to sleep.
To be continued...