Here are some realisations and observations in regards to the ego point within our team.
When I noticed that there is a movement of the ego within us I had some reactions of sadness and disappointment. I even decided to cancel the meeting of the group - scheduled for this week - in which we would make clear the objective of the center and then wee would get to know each other. I had the chance already to get to know each person but others did not have this opportunity yet. They either met briefly or they just know what we will work together on the project.
Thus I decided to cancel the meeting as one of the persons has communicated that he needs to take some time for himself this week and reflect on certain points. But then I thought about it and I realised that this the movement of the ego. And so I centered myself on the objective of the project ( what is best for all ) and I decided that I will not allow myself to fall into the trap of the ego and I will make the meeting no matter how many people would come.
And so immediately I saw the results. One of the persons send me message asking if we could meet and talk. And so we did and the result is that this person will join me at the meeting later this week. Tomorrow I will try to speak with another person and try to make some things clear. And then I will try to approach the other person which has allowed himself to fall into the trap of the ego the most.
Here is one important point/realisation that came up today. When I noticed the movement of the ego I allowed myself to fall into this trap myself. But then I have returned to the center and automatically I was at peace and I had the clarity of what to do. And so I saw clearly that I need to "withdraw" a little bit my presence/energy from other people so that they may see for themselves quicker the play of the ego. And the result of this was that one of the persons asked me for a conversation which in the end was very constructive. We will see how it goes with other members of the team.
To be continued...