And again I did not plan to write more articles about the vegetarianism in this series but there are coming up other elements and dimensions related to the health issue.
Thus we have the case where the physical body is getting stronger and it starts to bring to the surface deeply supressed emotional issues. Although it seemed at first that there are no more issues of this type involved in the problem. And this is a clear confirmation that when dealing with health problems we must look at the body in the holistic way taking into consideration all of the possible elements. It is not just a virus or bacteria causing the sickness/disease. Yes... they are present in the body along the sickness but they are not the cause of the problem. And who knows ...? Maybe they even support the body during the sickness by fighting against the sickness !? But still this is unproven theory of mine and it can be completely wrong. But still I am certain that killing the viruses with antibiotics is not going to heal the person. It will only treat the symptoms.
Anyway we have a situation with the deeply supressed emotional issues that are not easy to be dealt with. I mean they could be easily dealt with but does not see it in this moment as something so easy to deal with. And there is fear, rejection, justification and emotions.
But still there is still the point of vegetarianism. The body is weaker than it should be and I contributes to the health problem. And thus I would recommend this person to start eating meat and support the body in the process of working on the emotional issues. But this is all the decision of this person.