Myself I used to be a vegetarian for almost 10 years. My main reason for it was to not harm animals. And I was quite stubborn when it comes to it. By saying stubborn I mean that I made that decision and I did not want to listen to any people who were saying anything against it. No matter what... I was not eating meat.
At some point I went completely extreme and I changed to raw food diet. And I have to say that it helped me with the serious problem with the acne on my face and back. It did not help me to completely get rid of it but my symptoms reduced 80-90 % within a month. But still I was suffering with acne for many years as my skin did not get better completely.
Anyway... eventually I got healed from it after going through a deep cleansing process induced by homeopathy. It was very effective though after about 4 years my skin started again to show the signs of red spots on my back. I was lucky that I met somebody who explained me that my body does not receive proper nutrition and that was the reason why my body could not heal itself. I tried the method proposed by this therapist and I see that it is very effective.
To be continued...