Anyway this situation with this silly laugh has repeated itself of few other occasions. The other time my friend was struggling with another door. She has been in my house many times before and she knew that there is a specific way of locking the door. But now when she came back after few weeks she was facing the same issue with the lock and the silly laugh. She was struggling with the lock on few occasions but then she never tried to ask me to explain her how to do it properly. And when it happened when I was next to her she was begging for my help with the silly laugh. Thus it was clearly showing me the mind pattern behind it. I have pointed it out to my friend and now we will see if she will make some changes in it.
Now... this thing with this stupid laugh is not just the thing of my friend. It is actually more common than you may think. I have seen with it other people talking about their crazy parties when they got so drunk that they vomited and/or lost the film or when they had some wild sex with a stranger etc. The situations may be different but the tone of the laugh is always the same.
But you'll know what ?
If you are listening to these kind of stories and you also laugh or you find it amusing then you are equally participating in the problem because you approve these kind of behaviour. Yes... your smile encourages other person to continue giving up his/her own power. And most probably you will do the same in some way or other. And you will later also talk about it laughing stupidly.
You'll see... giving away your own power is not amusing at all. It is stupid. And that is being reflected in the stupid laugh.