So I have a friend who sometimes faces a situation when she does not know how to do a certain thing because it not typical or new to her. For example once she was trying to open the boot of my car but she could not find the lock ( button ). Normally the lock is in the middle of the boot but mine was not there. She turned towards me asking for help in a way through her body language. I was standing next to her but I did not do anything to open it because I wanted to see her further behaviour.
Seeing that I am not doing anything to open the boot she looked again at the center of the boot and tried again to find the button by touching and pressing different points. She could not find anything and this time she turned to me laughing stupidly / silly. With this laugh she was admitting that she is helpless and that she needs my help.
But I did not do it again. I only said that it is easy to open the boot ( or something like this ). And again she looked at the center part of the boot and she tried to press again different points but nothing worked. And so again she turned towards me continuing to laugh even more stupid.
I repeated that the lock is there. After some time eventually she started to look around and she found out that the lock button was located towards the right side of the car.
To be continued...