I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today the frustration is much lesser. I cannot say that it is not there. I would really like to finish my project now and be free from it but I cannot do it. It requires time. And the more I work with my clients the less time and energy I have for doing it and then it really goes slow. Anyway I did some work on my project today and I am closer to the end. Of course it will still take me many days before I will be done with it but I am closer.
Thus yesterday I mentioned about the fear of a big project and right today I have been presented with the possibility to organize a bigger event. If I take on it I will have 4 month of preparation for it and organization. But I am not alone and I would do it with at least 1-2 persons. And most probably I will do it.
You'll see... when I look at this whole point I am not really afraid of doing it. As a matter of fact I see if as a great opportunity to move my main project forward as it goes hand in hand with it and it will help me to promote it among people. It is only that I do not want to get involved into something without finishing my pending tasks.
To be continued