I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
I worked a lot today and now I feel tired. It is late and I am facing the situation with not knowing what to write. Thus I sat on the sofa to think about my article and then I decided that I will write something about my experiment with the sleep as I had one interesting realisation.
Thus I was looking at the point of sleeping less or it would be even better if I did not have to sleep at all. But this would mean that I would not need my bed. And when I thought about it then I noticed a movement within my mind. I realised that in a way I would really regret and be disappointed within myself that I cannot use my comfy bed and I would not be able to enjoy all these awesome moments when I lie down in bed and do nothing. And on top of this I would have to do the changes in my bedroom which I recently decorated and now it looks really nice.
Can you see it ?
On one hand I would like to eliminate sleep from my agenda but then deep inside of me I have some hidden interests and desires to continue doing it.
Here I would need to do some self-forgiveness but because I am tired I will do it tomorrow. And now I will try to have some rest with minimum sleep.
To be continued