I am catching up with posting online my articles.
The whole week of heavy load of work has eventually got me. Today I felt really tired during the day. Luckily I did not have to attend many clients. And so I allowed myself to get some sleep in the afternoon.
Anyway later I did my things and I came late home with the grocery shopping. In those moment I have the tendency to leave the bags on the floor and start my computer. But today I decided to do something different. I decided to stop this pattern. And although I did not feel like doing it but I emptied the bags and I put the things into the fridge and on the shelves. I knew that I simply need to push myself over the resistance and simply do it.
Later I decided to organize a little bit my house. I was very busy lately and I had to leave some things for later ( e.g. washing etc. ). And again I did not feel like doing it but I pushed myself to do it. And I was very pleased that I did it. The only problem is that later I sat in front of the computer and I started to do silly things. And I ended up doing it until very late. Silly me !!!
It is clearly to me that I am still in the process of changing this pattern. It is clearly to me that I allow myself to lose my focus way to easy. This focus is the key to the success. It is not really that difficult to do it but still I fail time after time with this point. Thus I will work on this point for the next few days.
To be continued