I am catching up with posting online my articles.
What is the reason that some people have stronger or weaker energy field ?
Well... there are few reasons for it.
1. Genetics.
2. Your lifestyle ( nutrition, work, exercises etc. ).
3. Your environment in which you live in ( your house and the outside ).
4. Others.
Here we will focus on the Point 3 about the environmental elements.
Thus look at this... everything that is in your direct and indirect environment has its own electromagnetic field. And all of these fields will affect your own field ( it can be in the positive or negative way ). And the stronger this energy is, the more influence it will have on you ( just like with the angry boss charged up with very strong energy of anger ) unless your own energy field is strong enough to counter balance the influence.
But your strong energy field may not be able to hold on and endure always this constant exposure to this negative field. Eventually it may penetrate your field and you will feel it. In an example of an angry boss there will come the point when you will start to feel bad and you may even get sick because of working all the time in an angry and stressful environment.
The same applies to the situation in which you are exposed to other strong and negative energy fields in your environment. Today we are not so aware of it but something like:
- water veins;
- bedrock disruptions;
- faults;
- Hartmann grid and Curry grid;
- other electromagnetic interference zones;
have direct influence on your body and your electromagnetic field. In the past this knowledge was more common and this is the reason why you feel something special when you enter the churches, temples, castles etc. They have been built on the special places where the electromagnetic energy of the environment was harmonious and strong. We give a lot of attribute ( to this "feeling better" inside of the church or temple ) to god but one of the main reason for it is that this temple has been built on a special energy spot.
And then we also have the element of the shape of the building. The symmetrical form of the buildings of these "holy" places plays also a big role in the "I feel something different" while being inside of it. As I said we contribute it to god and we may even get healed from our diseases while being inside of the temple but in the end this is pure science and physics which we have forgotten about today.
Anyway the shape and the form of your house as well as the place on which it is built, will have direct impact on your body's energy field and it will either strengthen or weaken it. And through this it will affect your health ( unless you have really strong energy field and you know how to protect yourself from it ).
To be continued