I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Looks like this person has realised that she has crossed the line and she feels guilty or bad about it. She has been trying to call me few times today and is desperate to talk with me. Personally I am not angry about what happened. And I could easily talk with her any time. But the thing is that she has done something like this before and this is the 3rd time when she attacks me out whenever I do not act/ behave the way she would expect me to do within her mind. And thus because I see that there is a serious problem within her mind and she does not allow herself to help but instead she attacks me so I decide to keep away from this person.
With me or without me... this is her process and she will have to go through it anyway. If I was in contact with her she would have my assistance and support. But it does not look like she needs me so she will go through this process of transformation herself or with assistance of other people. It is her choice. And my choice is that will not allow her to take revenge on me for all the harm and abuse that was committed against her by other men ( probably boyfriend, husband or father ).
Now... one more important point. I will keep away from this person ( we live in different countries anyway so I will cut the contact by phone etc. ) but it does not mean that I will not support her in the process. As I said we are long distance away and I cannot do much just because for this reason but still I am ready to support her when I see the necessity of it. And I will do it if I see it appropriate.
To be continued