I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Yes... that is true. I have to take a lot of time to convince people that something works and is really good for them. People take very easy the words of the doctors although they know about the side effects etc. But yet when it comes to this treatment sometimes I even have to trick them. Complete absurd but yet this is the current reality of humanity. And this reality is going to get even worse because the state of health of our children is really bad. Look... I have seen some results of the analysis of the children and the level of the intoxication of their bodies and it is really bad. And so they have almost no chances of growing up and being healthy ( if we compare them with children 50 years ago ). I know that we have a lot of advancements in the field of medicine ( and this will "help" these children being "healthy" ) but then I could also say that we have gone backwards. These days we have all of these super hi-tech medical computers etc. but then we forget and we ignore the basics and the fundamentals when it comes to health - nutrition, movement ( exercises ), breathing water.
So... these are the "absurds" of humanity. We get more and more sick and weak and our children get even more sicker and weaker but yet we do not want to listen to those who can really help them but instead we believe in the fairy stories of others who believe themselves that they are gods ( I refer here to the doctors ).
It is getting late and I am tired so I will have to finish it here and get some rest.