Being sick but not wanting to get better

I am catching up with posting online my articles.

As I said before as a result of being to people with limiting beliefs and opinions strengthened his own belief that he cannot get better and the state in which he is right now is something normal and ok. And so all of these limiting beliefs and opinions make really difficult for him to see the real solution to his problems. And this is why I say that being among the people who know how to help him is not a great news for him. It is simply that he does not see and does not realise that these people - who tell him that they can help him to get out of his problems - can really help him. He simply gives more value to the belief that he cannot change his state. And so he does not want to listen to the other people. These people have proven with their lives and with their patients that they can help them but still this is not enough within his mind.

Thus you'll see... we are all responsible for our sickness and our problems. There are effective and practical solutions to most ( if not all ) of our problems. But we do not see them as we place something like a veil ( e.g. self- created beliefs within our own mind ) in front of our eyes which obstructs our vision. As I said before there are people around us who tell us that it is not possible to get healed etc. and we believe them. But we cannot blame them for it. We must take full responsibility for what is happening to us. In the end we give our power to these limiting beliefs. It is us who decides to believe these people. It is us who decides to disbelief those who really know how to help us with our sickness and how to solve our problems and get better.

But even though somebody tells us that he knows how to help us it does not mean that we have to do exactly what he tells us. He may really know how to solve our problems but this does not mean at all that we cannot find ourselves a better and more effective way to get better. But there is one thing... this will never happen as long as we are going to continue giving our power to the limiting beliefs. If we want to have something better and different then we must create it for ourselves.


Written: 2016 - November - 20   Published: 2017 - August - 19      © Copyright - Greg Wiater