I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I am observing a case of a person who is being relatively sick. But the interesting thing is that he does not realise that he sick is.
How come that he is not aware of his sickness ?
Well... this is very interesting and at the same time it is easy to explain. Thus his state of health has been decreasing for a very long time at a relatively slow pace and simply he does not see the change. Maybe I should not be saying that he does not see it. I should rather say that he has got used to it and he has also accepted it as something "normal". Acceptation of this poor state of health is also in a way strengthened and enforced by the people surrounding him. Because if there is nobody who question it as something not normal then he has no other option rather than to believe that this cannot be changed.
But look what words do I use in my previous sentence. I use the word "BELIEVE".
Thus he has found himself in a situation when he believes that he cannot do anything about his situation. But what is interesting is that he had luck to be among the people who know how to help him. And this should be a great news for him. But unfortunately it is not.
Why not ?
To be continued