I am catching up with posting online my articles.
As you know from my articles I am doing some experiments in regards to my body. Apart from the point that I am a therapist of natural medicine and this is simply my job, I am also very keen on seeing what my body is capable of. Thus I am trying to see if I could regenerate my teeth. Then I was trying to see if I can sleep less ( about 4 hours or less ). Lately I have been doing the experiment with the 21 days of positivity and at the same time I have been doing an experiment with a new diet.
The changes in the diet is accompanied by intake of natural mineral supplements and vitamins. I have to say that I see very positive results when it comes to my health. I had some inflammation with the skin with manifested itself as "acne" on my back and now it is gone my better. Apart from this I feel much stronger which I can see at the gym and I have increased level of energy. And this is all cool but I can see that lately I sleep much longer. For example last night I slept 8 hours. I can see that the sleep is much more profound and generally I feel relatively good in the morning but still this 8 hours today was too much.
I understand that I have been working a lot lately and not having enough days off which further brings on the consequences of increased tiredness. But then it is important to say that during the day I feel strong and I have more energy but then there comes a moment at night when suddenly "I shut down". And this was one of the reasons why I have struggled so much with my 21 days of positivity experiment. And in the end I did not complete it to the end because at the moment with my life style ( work style ) I am not able to do it.
Thus there comes the moment at night when I start to feel tired and then I fell into a deep and profound sleep. From the therapeutic point of view this is a good sign because the body can regenerate itself at night during the sleep. But then this thing with the therapeutic point of view does not go along with my studies and certain realisations which indicate to me that sleep is like an addiction.
Thus the conclusion is that I have to get more disciplined when it comes to sleep and push myself to the 4-6 hours mark. Maybe I can sleep less but for the moment I am going in the opposite direction.
To be continued