I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Yesterday I had a day off but still it was not perfectly off as I was cleaning and organizing my home. I decided to do so because I see that I am storing and accumulating unnecessarily some things which take space in the cabinets and later I say that I have no space although my house is relatively big. I would love to have a day off and do nothing but then this cleaning is also enjoyable and liberating. I kind of feel "lighter" on my shoulders.
Anyway this thing with cleaning is a bigger job and I need 1-3 days more depending on the amount of work that I have to do with my clients. Thus today I had an appointment and I had to go but still I managed to do some cleaning as well.
This evening I am planning to go out and have some fun dancing. I have not done it for a long time ( many weeks ) which was also a result of my experiment because I had to put priority on my exercises and I did not have time and energy on other things like my hobbies. But today I have organized myself better. I write my article before I go dancing and so I can be free and not think about it when I am there. Later I will have to do one exercises but that should not be a problem. The only things is that I need to be careful tomorrow morning as I have an early appointment.
So now it is time to have some fun.
To be continued