I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I was a little bit better when it comes to doing my exercises. I say that I was only a little bit better because I have tried to do my exercises early in the evening. Unfortunately I got caught up with things that I had to do and eventually I do my last exercises late at night.
I do not know what to write anymore. I suddenly became very tired and now it is struggle to keep awake and write something.
My experiment with the new diet goes quite well. My skin is getting better and I feel stronger as well. I would have much more benefits if I did not work so much but well... for now I need to work a lot.
Experiment with the sleep is kind of on hold. For the same reason ( working a lot and tiredness ) I sleep what I can to recover myself. It is not that I sleep 8 hours. I still sleep around 6. Only sometimes I get 7 hours. But still this is not what I want. My objective would be to sleep below 4 hours or maybe even not sleep at all.
I am tired with my 21 day experiment. I do it because I must finish it. But because I have to struggle to keep up with it thus I do not enjoy it as much as I could if I did not work so much and I could dedicate more time and energy to it.
To be continued