I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I would really like to finish my exercises earlier in the evening but it happens so that I do them late at night ( almost every day of my experiment ). And so I am laughing now that I have placed myself in such a situation that despite my desire to do my day easier and finish my working day earlier, I end up working on the computer till late at night.
But what can I do ?
I have tried doing it and it does not work. So I guess I have to do it this way.
Anyway there is one point which I do not like within my experiment. Thus I would like to be at the point when I do the exercises because I want to do them. But for now it happens that I do them ( and I am in a way obliged/forced to do the shorter version of them ) because I have to do it. And within this "I have to do it" I cannot come to the point when every day I add more energy and more force to my project and exercises. I saw this at the very beginning of my whole experiment ( when I had a stroke of 7 or 8 continuous days ) and it was very interesting and enjoyable to it. The energy was growing and I was enjoying it. But then it stopped abruptly with excessive work and tiredness and I struggle to get back to this point.
But then there is also a positive point within it all. Thus in the beginning ( I refer here to the last 10 days when I restarted my exercises ) I really had to push myself to even start doing my experiment and the exercises. But I have broken through this resistance and now I do the exercises with more lightness of the spirit. And then I also wish to do them more. Obviously I cannot more because I am very busy with other things and I struggle with holding on to my agenda but still I have this wish to be able to do more of them even though I am tired.
So this was my Day 10.
To be continued