I am catching up with posting online my articles.
And again I have been busy all day. Though the things today were different. I am learning to delegate some of my responsibilities to other people and in this way I can reduce the intensity of my work. I still work a lot but the ratio of my highly intensive work is much lesser. And this is what I really need at the moment.
This is my day 5. I did all of my exercises though I did a shorter version of them. But it does not matter. I do what I can and I am persistent. Within this it is interesting to see how my resistance and "I do not feel like doing it now" which I saw on the first day is disappearing and I actually start feeling excitement and joy in doing it and I also have the desire to learn more. And this is really nice. All that was necessary was to push myself through the resistance within my mind and now it is going easier and it is enjoyable what I do.
The thing with reducing the sleep is not consistent. I sleep less than 6 hours on average but still I am missing something ( some important points ) within it and that is why I don't get constant results.
My experiment with the change in my diet is going quite well. I lose weight although this is not so desired in my case but then I understand that my body is in the process of cleaning itself first and then it will rebuild new cells and I will start to gain weight again. At least this is what I suspect within this experiment but I will only be able to see it with the time.
To be continued