I am catching up with posting online my articles.
One thing is very clear. I am an ever more successful businessman and I am becoming very stable within the system. And this is really cool. This is what I wanted. This is what I have focused my attention and my energy on. And this is what I have achieved.
But within this all there is a side effect: "I have no time for other important things".
Thus my JTL articles have not been posted online for about 4 months. My Desteni I Process course is not moving at all. And in general I have very little time for myself - going to the beach, mountains etc. I do not like it but at the moment I have many business related responsibilities that all of these other things have to wait.
Today I had another very busy day and I ended up being very tired. And obviously there is no way I could do any of my exercises from my experiment. I took a day off this week ( 2 days ago ) but in the end I had to do many things and it was not really my day off. I will plan to do it after tomorrow but I am not sure if I manage to do it as I am in the middle of the tourist season and there is a lot of work. And sometimes I cannot postpone my appointment. Thus I will try to have a day off but I have no guarantee that I will have one.
To be continued