I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So I have managed to restart my 21 day experiment with positivity. On some exercises I did the shorter version but I did all of them. By positivity I mean that I do things which contribute towards my projects rather than taking away from them. Thus I every little or big "thing" which contributes to the projects/goals on which I am working on in those 21 days is "positive".
Today I finished another project with which I was busy in the last 2 weeks. But apart from this I had rather an easy day today. I even managed to go to the beach and I also started to catch up with posting online my JTL articles. I am really pleased that I have finally come to the point when I have more time for myself.
In those 50 days of my experiment I did some mistakes and then I had to restart my experiment couple of times. But I have also learned some valuable lessons from this mistakes. And thus now all of this will help to complete successfully my experiment in one go.
To be continued