I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So the project is finished. And another one will be completed on Tuesday. Although I still have few things to do tomorrow it looks like an easy day and so I will try to start with my 21 day of positivity experiment.
In any case I am still at the point when I do not know what to write about - just like yesterday and the day before. I am writing something/anything just to have few sentences and fill up the page.
Last night I was tired and I allowed myself to sleep about 6 hours. I hope that this week I will have less intensive work and so I will be able to reduce my sleep hours. As you can see don't give up on my experiments. I go forward. It is hard and I must suspend them for a while but then I start again. And it may seem that I am not making any progress. Because look... I have started this experiment 49 days ago and I am still at the Day 0. But it is not so. I may do some steps back but in general I make more steps forward than backward. And so I go forward. I make progress. And so I will continue doing it until I find a different and more effective method/way.
To be continued