I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Finally I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have finished phase number 1 of one of my projects and tomorrow I will finish the second project. Ufff... I have already got some rest in the afternoon and I feel like I start to regenerate. Hopefully I should be able to start my experiment again on Monday ( after tomorrow ).
But still there is the point that I do not know what to write about today.
I would really like to finish this article and switch off the computer but it does not go easy. I tried to do some things around the house and in this way refresh my brain but it does not work. I am still blank and I do not know what to write. I know that this may be really boring but then you will only be able to realise how it is to face this point of not knowing what to write once you try to do it every day for a very long time. I said it already in my previous articles that I did not expect to face this point but in the end this is the reality and I have to accept it.
So this is all for today.
To be continued