About trusting other people

I am catching up with posting online my articles.

It is late. I am tired. And I do not know what to write in my article. I already had some moments like this in the last couple of years and today is just another moment. And so I have to accept it.

Anyway... Because I was busy all day so I could not really do much about my experiment. I will just have to wait for another moment. Of course I will try to do it tomorrow. I do not really like to write "I will try" when it comes to doing things. But here it is rather difficult not to write it as I start early in the morning and I do not know if I will have time to dedicate to my experiment.

Last week I was hoping that this week I would have some more time for myself. This did not happen. I did not have any days off. And it does not look like will have any in the next week. I do not freak out about it though and simply I do what I can step by step. I know what eventually there will come the moment when I will have a whole day off for myself and do nothing related to work.

I did few things around the house to get away from the computer and try to get some ideas/motivation to write about something... but it does not work. I am just tired and I want to go to bed now. Thus I will finish here and I will go to bed.

I await a new day to come so that I may explore it with joy and experience myself in fullness of creative expression.

To be continued


Written: 2016 - October - 01   Published: 2017 - August - 18      © Copyright - Greg Wiater