About trusting other people

I am catching up with posting online my articles.

So this is a new start. I did my exercises. But I do not know what to write anymore.

Well... there was something interesting happening last night. Thus I got up after 2 hours to switch off alarm. I did that and later I should start doing something to get me awake. But I went back to bed. I talked to myself: "Greg don't do it... Greg get out of there" because I knew that if I lie down then I will fall asleep again but I did not listen to myself. And I eventually woke up in the morning. You'll know... I decided to go back to bed because I felt tired but then I also felt tired later in the morning after sleeping 3 more hours.

Anyway... this shows how my emotions and feelings ( I feel tired ) overwrite the logic and facts. And it also shows how later I have to pay the consequences of this decision ( I feel tired despite sleeping more ).

This thing with the sleep is a tough point for me.

Also another mistake is that in the evening I lied down on the sofa despite the fact that I did not finish all of my exercises.

And I did not do write the daily plan of my tasks and responsibilities. I just do the things in a "chaotic" way and through this I allow the risk of failing again.

Now it is late. I have slept on the sofa for about 1 hour and 30 min. I do not know if I will go to bed and get more sleep. I will do some things and I will decided it later.

To be continued


Written: 2016 - September - 23   Published: 2017 - August - 15      © Copyright - Greg Wiater