I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I did not have to work until late afternoon and so I could make myself a plan for the day and then do it. It was interesting to observe myself when I was doing the things from the list and then ticking them off as completed. And I saw how empowered I was within that. I was excited and I was eager to do more. But I had the go to work. Unfortunately there was a delay with my client and later I had to do some other things so in the end I could not do more today. But still I have managed to do all the things ( top priority tasks ) from my list and I continue to feel self-empowered and eager to continue with my plan.
Because my job is highly unpredictable so my plan must be flexible. And today was an example of it. I wanted to do many things but in the end I had to back off. But never mind. As I said... I feel self-empowered and this should stay with me no matter what. I realise that there will be some difficult moments when I have to work a lot and I may get tired and exhausted which will affect my capacity and effectiveness in doing my tasks from the list. For example tomorrow... I know that I will have a lot of work which most probably will carry the consequences of tiredness for the next day. But it doesn't matter... I will take the time necessary to recover and then I will continue making new plan of all the tasks that I want to do apart from my top priority ones.
This is my day five of my experiment and I am extremely pleased that I do it.
To be continued