I am catching up with posting online my articles.
You'll see... our body is very resistant and it has the capacity to adapt itself and survive in the most extreme situations. But there is always a limit of how much it can take. These days there are more and more people like my friend who prioritize their job, money and other things over their body. But you'll know... our body is the "vessel" thanks to which we can do all that we do on this planet. And once it gets broken we won't be able to do anything anymore.
Now... what is the future for my friend and everybody else on this planet ?
Well... we have created a system in which we need to struggle and fight to survive. And so quite often we need to take on many responsibilities ( e.g. 2 jobs ) which puts a lot of stress unto our bodies. And that is why there are so may people who are sick as they have been entrapped in the vicious cycle of working over the limits to be able to survive in this system. We want to survive but this fight for survival is killing us. In the case of my friend he has a noble goals as he want to help other people who are sick. He is very good therapist but he ignores his body and if he does not change his lifestyle sooner or later he will be sick or he will die out of exhaustion and stress.
So you'll see... our current system is not "body friendly" at all. And it would be good to change it. But to change it we must start doing the opposite of what we are doing now. Thus we must start taking care of our bodies and give them the priority. Whether you have 2 jobs to earn money to have a higher life standard or whether you have 2 jobs to secure the basic needs for yourself and your family you must stop ignoring your body. I realise that there are temporary situations when we have no choice but to push the limits. But if that turns to be something regular and habitual then we are literally cutting the branch on which we are sitting. As a matter of fact we have an economic system which is like a saw with which the humanity is cutting this branch on which it is sitting. So we'd better change it. Living Income Guaranteed would be an example of a new system which would be body friendly.