I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is nothing new what I am going to write about today. But still I want to bring it on to the attention of those who read my articles as this is very important.
Thus I have a friend who is also a therapist of natural medicine. In a way I could say that he is much more experienced and much more ahead of me as in his practice he has also been working as a doctor. But even though he is "so much ahead of me", he is no different than most of the people in this world. And so he is - like others - lost in the daily life trying to cope with all the things and within that ignoring his own body.
You'll know... it seems that he has got a good reason and justification of why he is doing it. And thus his project ( quite a noble one ) requires so much attention that he has not much time for himself. I say: "that is fine". But within this we may not forget that once he gets sick he won't be able to do anything and his project will have to be put on hold. And he is not far from getting seriously sick. Or maybe he already is.
Anyway... within this whole situation it is clear to see that my friend has allowed himself to become lost in his creation and within it he is ignoring his body. He does a lot of things but he pushes constantly the limits of his body. He has a lot of experience as a therapist and a doctor but - through his actions - he is making himself sick.
To be continued