I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
Last night I fell asleep on the sofa and I slept for about 5-6 hours. I woke up after about 4 hours but then I stayed on the sofa and I ended up falling asleep again. This is the very common mistake of mine. Anyway I am very motivated to continue with my experiment and I see what can come out of it.
Today during the day I was busy going to different offices and doing some important paper work. It was a lot to do and I got the moments of tiredness. Under normal circumstances I would allow myself to lie down and have a 17 minute siesta session. But this time I decided that I will not do so and I will see what is going to happen if I push myself to stay awake. And so here are couple interesting observation.
1. First of all I noticed that eating something gave me boost of energy and the tiredness passed away relatively soon after finished the meal or even during the meal. So it looks like the tiredness was partly related to lack of food in my body.
2. Then I have also noticed on many occasions that if I push myself to stay awake and breathe, the tiredness goes also away after some time. It is very important not to give in to the thinking about the tiredness.
3. Doing something like walking ( especially outside in the fresh air ) helps with the taking away the tiredness.
4. Shower is also helpful with it.
Anyway I did not allow myself to give in to the tiredness and I pushed myself to keep awake instead of having a siesta which I would normally do. But still in the evening I lied down on the floor to do the breathing exercises while stopping the thoughts in my mind and I ended it up falling asleep for few minutes. I have an alarm clock ( timer ) which beeps every 2,5 minutes and every 5 minutes but still I did not hear it in the second part. So I must have had fallen asleep.
To be continued