I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Humanity is entering into the phase when the robots which we could see on the science fiction films ( e.g. Star Wars ) some 20-30 years ago become a reality. Yes... the scientists come up with new and better models of robots which are capable to walk and do lots of tasks which we ( humans ) do daily.
This presents a great opportunity because these robots can do a lot jobs which require high precision with almost no errors and they do not get tired. And so these robots could make our lives easier.
But with all of these opportunities there come also many doubts and concerns. We could also see some films in which the robots turned against the humanity ( e.g. Terminator, The Matrix etc. ) and became a real threat to our survival on Earth.
And what is my point on all this thing with the robots ?
Am I for or against it ?
Look... I do not have anything against robots. What is my point of concern and worry are those who program these robots and who will be in charge of them.
And who is going to be in charge of them ?
Well... the government, the army, the corporations and the wealthy individuals.
Thus if we look at what our governments, army and corporations do to the people then it is not difficult to come to the conclusion that thanks to these robots life of the people will be even more fucked up as it is now.
To be continued