I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
You'll know... I listened to the proposal of my friend but I did not get ignited as I did in the past. I expressed my interest in the project but I said that I will go home and I think about it. I also recommended to my friend to take a piece of paper and write down all the ideas about the project.
And so we met the next day again and we discussed further the details about the project. Then I went home again to think more about it.
Eventually I came to the conclusion that if I started to do this project I would continue with my pattern of overloading myself with responsibilities. I just came out of the period/cycle when I had almost no time for myself as I was tight up with a lot of work. Apart from this I still have couple of unfinished task which are very important to me and which would again be delayed as the new project with my friend would tie up my resources too much.
Thus my decision is to not enter fully into the new project with my friend. Because - as I said before - I will meet again with her and discuss if we can start working together but at much slower pace, which would be much more "harmonious" for me. And then I will go home and think again if that is what I want and if that is what is best for all.
Uff... I guess this is very important realization for me. Because there is a big possibility that if I accepted this proposal and if I entered fully into this project then I would repeat my pattern of overloading myself with responsibilities and I would have to go again through the whole "painful" cycle of working a lot and not having time for myself.