I am catching up with posting online my articles.
As you know from my articles in the last couples of years I was facing the point of taking on myself many responsibilities and later I was struggling to keep up with them. But then I had also certain tasks which have been waiting in the queue for some months simply because I was too busy to do anything with them.
You'll know... I had good intentions by wanting to do a lot of good things but in the end there are certain limits of how much 1 person can do in 24 hours. Eventually I came to the conclusion that I must stop with it and reduce the number of my responsibilities as this puts me under constant stress and affects my health and the general effectiveness of what I do.
Thus I did the mind construct ( within the DIP course ) with the self-forgiveness and self-commitments statements and later I put into practice my decision and I removed certain tasks from my list and I decided that I will be very careful when it comes to accepting any new responsibilities in my life. Obviously making the decision about something and then doing the mind construct is additional benefit to it but then comes the moment of the test of application of my decision in the real life.
Thus last week I got contacted by a friend with an offer to do together a certain project. And so I met with my friend to listen to her offer and find out more details about it. I quickly saw something very interesting in the proposal of my friend. It all goes in the line of what I would like to do but I did not have time and resources to do it now by myself. Thus I found it very attractive to me.
To be continued