I am catching up with posting online my articles.
It seems as I got stuck in some way. Because I don't work ( I refer to my main job ) as much as I used to before but still I do not go forward quickly with all my pending tasks. You'll know... I do them but still it seems as it was going very slow.
I guess that is just the impression of my mind because in the end I do make progress and I go forward with my projects and it is just that there are other things which also need to be taken care of and which are also part of the project. Though it looks like within my mind I have given no importance to these other "small" things and in a way I ignore them. And these ignorance give me the sensation that I move slowly.
In the end these are the things of the mind. If we are not careful and not aware of them and instead we react ( e.g. in frustration ) then we really make the whole process much slower.