I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I am not really going to write about what is holding me back but rather writing about the situation which many people face in their lives.
Thus not long ago I have talked with one of my friend who told me that he feels being stuck in his life and he does not know what holds him back. So we talked a little bit and then I asked him the question:
"Do you want to know what is holding you back ?"
You'll know... this is the thing. Many times we have problems and/or we are stuck or we think that we really want to do something in our life but then when somebody asks us directly if we really want to do it then we hesitate with the answer "YES". This is the controversy. When we really want something then we should immediately and without any hesitation answer "YES". But then I have seen on many occasions that people need time to think, they roll their eyes and sometimes they even say:
"You'll know what ?... I don't really want it !"
So this is the reason why I asked my friend if he wants to know what is holding him back. I got the clear answer from him. It was not immediately but I did.
Anyway I am not the person who can tell him what holds him back. In the end he is his own boss and he is the one who can answer it for himself. But it was important that he honestly answers this question for himself.
To be continued