I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the continuation of the previous article:
You'll know... this thing with the invasion of Europe by Muslims is simple plan to expand the religion into more parts of the world. Of course when we listen to this video that I mentioned in the previous article it is very easy to get angry because all these "bad" Muslims try to disrupt our peaceful way of living and force upon us their religion.
OK... I know that Europeans are really not happy about it but then Christianity is no different in this matter at all. In the past the Catholic Church was expanding their influence into the other parts of the world disrupting peaceful way of living of others ( including Muslim ). We all know that this war between different religions ( especially between Muslims and Christians ) has been going on for centuries. And although both religions talk about almighty god and love the believers use violent and bloody methods to force their beliefs upon others. It just looks like this time the Muslims are gaining their ground and start to win the battle in this millennium long war. Of course the Christians and Europeans in general don't like it but that's the way it is.
Now... is there anything that can be done about it ?
To be continued